Striker 2nd Edition Core Rulebook

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In the vast and hostile colds of space are great opportunities, but also great dangers. Some of those dangers we brought with us, but some have been sleeping there for millions of years. The year is 4400 AD, 1300 years after a savage inter-dimensional war, and 1800 years after humanity had first reached for the stars. Amid the hulks of space, and the wreckage of Ozymandian empires, brave new adventurers, pirates, and prospectors find their fortunes. Decayed and decadent empires try to renew their glory, and fight with the new. Welcome to Striker, a no-holds-barred role-playing game set in the far future. It introduces the Striker Mechanic, combining the familiar basis of roll-high d20 gaming, with a deep and satisfying skill system. The Core Rulebook is completely self-contained, guides you through building your character's: sophont (like a race, or an artificial life form, anything that's able to be a character), abilities, skills, background, profession, gene- and cyber- enhancements It also details out equipment, armour, weapons, all the way up to the ultimate piece of adventuring equipment: the striker. The Striker Mechanic - an innovative, new mechanic extending d20 with skills. Skills are almost everything in this game: an attack roll is a skill check, how you build your character is all about the combination of skills and their advancement, even the magic-like abilities of psionics. Even the above does not do the Striker Mechanic's skill system justice. Rules on aspects, re-use and substitution bring an extraordinary versatility, giving you an opportunity to put your character at the centre of so many more events than most other RPGs allow. The Striker Mechanic makes a real difference to the science-fiction feel of the game: it helps to tell the story. The Striker Mechanic scales, hardly needs a single lookup table, involves simple maths, easy to remember, and it tells a good sci fi story, even computer hacking makes sense.

Striker 2nd Edition Core Rulebook